Monday, November 26, 2007

Holiday stuff, BP, articles, and more

Hey everyone

A Fresh Squeeze has put out a list of local eco friendly toy and gift making companies (Treeblocks, Scrappynation, Xeko, The Earth Friends, Building Blocks, Timeless Toys, and Chicago Kids Bookstore) for the holiday shopper.

They also have written about recycling issues in the city and how to still go about recycling your materials.

Environmental News Network has also covered eco friendly shops as well as having articles concerning the conservation, trade, and many environmentally friendly topics.

The Chicago Tribune has an article outlining what the effects of the BP waste dumping into Lake Michigan.

The New York Times wrote an article on Chicago's Green Alleys. It mentions the fact that the city is doing some innovative environmental things while still being unable to create a workable recycling program. In my opinion, this city has gone far too long without a well working recycling program and it is clear that the government of the city is not going to do anything about it. So I hope you will join me in letting our representatives know that this is unacceptable by contacting your alderman. The city's web site is

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