Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Plumbing union= anti green


Comcast, our wonderful cable provider (cough, cough) is building a new site in Philadelphia that is supposed to have waterless urinals. That sounds great!

Except someone at the plumbers union realized that along with not needing water for the urinals, they would also not need the piping. So the union sued!

The result is that there is a five year contract for the water free urinals with the pipes put in just in case they are needed. What!?!?!?!

http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=1783912&page=1 (Thanks to ABC News for the story)

I think you can chalk this up to the union being pro environment except for when it affects their revenue stream!

I wonder how much carbon emissions were put into the air making the pipes that will not be used. They muffed this one. Keith Olberman would characterize them as being "Today's worst persons in the world!"


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